If you decide to change your mind for any reason about your purchase, you can return the item within 10 days of receiving it. All you have to do is click on the Return Items link here or below. While we are more than happy to return your item and refund the purchase price, we unfortunately do not accept exchanges of items. Any other item desired on our site will have to be purchased as a separate order from the items being returned.
Once you fill in and submit the form, we will issue a return label to you within 3 days. Please appropriately package your items individually, print and affix the return label to your package and return it to us by post, you must return the item to us at the designated return point with the return label affixed within 7 days of receiving the return information otherwise the return will be void.
Returning up to 2 items per order are charged at £2.99, additional items per order are charged at £2.99
Once you initiate a return, it can take around 2-4 weeks and up to 90 days for us to receive the package, inspect the goods and their condition, and if found satisfactory and eligible for return, issue reimbursement of the purchase price to you. It is exceptionally important to only return items in their original packaging with original labels and tags, entirely unused and in the exact same condition as they were initially received by you. Any deviation from these requirements will unfortunately result in you forfeiting the goods and not receiving a refund.
Should you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us on and we will do our best to address any reasonable concern you may have.